The Proof is in the Pudding

The Proof is in the Pudding

We are often asked about the longevity of our products and their typical lifetime but we know each product is different and we always pride ourselves on supplying robust and reliable site machinery.  

We believe that the proof is in the pudding and we have a great example showing the lifespan of one of our pieces of equipment.

At our Stirling depot, a customer recently brought in an ArcGen Weldmaker to part exchange for a brand new 300AVC Weldmaker. Looking at the machine which was slightly rusty and very well used, it was obvious that the machine was an aged model. However, upon further inspection, it became clear that this particular machine was a 1996 version of the 330SD.

The customer clearly needed an upgrade but the team didn’t bank on the fact that this machine would still be in perfect working order after functioning for the past twenty years!

This just goes to show how long our machinery can last and this particular machine may be able to function for even longer.

It is always great for us to meet with customers who have been buying/hiring from us for this length of time, giving testament to the great pieces of equipment that we have in our range. It enables us to find out why people keep coming back to us year after year, showing the potential that our products really have and how they can be improved for the future.

ArcGen. Job Done.